The Dean’s welcome speech

Dear studens,

choosing a calling that will literlly decide your profesional life and carrer is by no means an easy task. Now that you made this choice I want to congratulate you on this brave and good choice.
By entering our comon academic house new tasks, horizons and challanges will be set before you.
There is almost no country in the world that doesnt have a faculty similar to this one.
Good management and administration are necessary prerequierments to organize and realise most important procesess in political, cultural, economical and other spheres that make up main social structure in general.
By all means, state administrative is of crucial meaning for a country as our B&H.
Transitioning path of our country, that oriantates towards EU and other regional and global integrations is followed by clear demands for implementing series of reforms exactly in that sphere.
New administrative, in the state contest, has to become impartial servis of needs and interests of citizens of this country.
At the same time new administrative has to be an iniciative, proactive, dinamic whole, capable to answer challenging times in which it acts.
New administrative is not a purpose for itself, it has to be in a constat dialogue with political, economic, international, social and cultural enviroment.
Administrative means responsibility and honor!
Frames that take upon managing jobs and functions must have inviolable etical capital.
Educating such frames, capable of recognising current problems in the enviroments in which they work and live, ready to creativly and humanly take on solving them is in the core foundation of FA`s mission and vision.
Realising this mission and vision is a common goal and job of our teaching and other staff as well as you students.
Let this be a guidelight in our everyday communication when we improve together and when we solve problems together.
And even when you take on your roles of administrative and management with your bachelor diplomas, administration Masters, and we hope, as soon as posible, doctor of administrativ sciences phds.
Significant number of our former and curent students are already working.
Practical work is enlisted in curriculum of the faculty as a required and logical way of acquiring knowledge.
Partnership is developed with municipalities, agencies, ministries in which our students preform one-semestar student practice.
The goal is to combine theoretical and practical knowledge in one whole, and frames that come from our faculty recognizable on work market.
Strategicly, FA wants Bologna sistem to be realised.
At the same time in our everyday practice we tend to use autentic, personal experiances and traditions, and work as best as we can in existing enviroment with existing recourses.
I honestly hope that your time spent on FA will result in achived goals and hopes you had in mind when you made the decision to join us.
Welcome to University of Sarajevo Faculty for Administration!
Your dean, Emir Tahirović

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