Cerificates and skills

By sucsesfully finishing I cycle study, students gain Administrative bachelor title.


Administrative bachelor is capable of work in states administrative organs ,public companies that handle administrative authorities,and other institutions that seek work on administrative solutions and other organising and leading busineses.


By succsesfuly finishing II study cycle – master study, students gain following titles:

  • Administrative magistar – general direction
  • Administrative magistar – business administrative direction
  • Administrative magistar – public procurment in administrative direction
  • Administrative magistar – EU project administrative direction


Administrative magistar is a person that is capable of working on the most complex busineses in states services,public companies and institutions,as in other institutions on the tasks that require  teamwork ,making most crucial decisions,tasks on administrative solving as in leading tasks in all states levels.


By succsesfully finishig III cycle study – doctoral study, students gain the title of Doctor of administrative sciences.


After finishing the study doctor of administrative sciences shows highest scientific peaks in administrative science, widest theoretical knowledge of the scientifically researched subject and is the highest educated specialist in the narrow scientific field. Doctor of administrative sciences has to have the ability to conduct further individual as well as team researches, and to show his scientific attitudes in high professional written and explained form.



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