CONCURSION for election to the title at the Faculty of Administration in Sarajevo

Pursuant to Articles 93, 96, 102 and 103 of the Law on Higher Education (“Official Gazette of Sarajevo Canton”, No. 33/17) and the Decision of the Scientific-Teaching Council on Determining the Teaching Need for Election to Academic Titles No. 656-3 / 19, 656-4 / 19 and 656-7 / 19 dated 10.09.2019. and the Decision of the Senate of the University of Sarajevo from 25.09.2019, the Faculty of Administration in Sarajevo, announces:


for election to titles

at the Faculty of Administration in Sarajevo

– two (2) teachers with the title of assistant professor in the “Administrative-Legal” scientific field, at the Faculty of Administration in Sarajevo;

– one (1) teacher with the title of assistant professor in the scientific field “Management and organization of the public sector” at the Faculty of Administration in Sarajevo;

– one (1) teacher with the title of assistant professor in the “Social-humanistic” scientific field – without employment at the Faculty of Administration in Sarajevo;

Requirements: Candidates must meet the requirements of Article 96 of the Law on Higher Education of Sarajevo Canton (“Official Gazette of Sarajevo Canton”, No. 33/17), Article 156 of the Statute of the University of Sarajevo and Articles 116 and 117 of the Statute of the Faculty of Administration in Sarajevo. Along with the application for the competition for the election to academic titles, the candidates, in addition to the documents proving that they meet the conditions provided by the Law, should enclose a biography (CV), birth certificate and certificate of citizenship.

If the diploma was obtained abroad, the candidate is obliged to submit a decision on the recognition of a foreign higher education qualification issued by the competent authority.

Election to an academic title is made for the election period prescribed by Article 94 of the Law on Higher Education of the Sarajevo Canton.

Applications for the competition with documents can be submitted to the protocol of the Faculty of Administration in Sarajevo or sent by mail to the address of the Faculty, Igmanska Street 40 A, 71 320 Vogošća, within 15 days from the date of publication of the Competition.

Incomplete and untimely applications will not be considered.

All information regarding this competition can be obtained by calling 033 / 553-837.

Dean of the Faculty

Prof. Dr. Nezir Krčalo


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