




Telephon number: 033 256 057

Working hours

Work days from 08:00 – 16.00


FA`s library is meant for conducting and upgrading teaching and scientific –research work onthe faculty,so its content is used by students,teaching staff as aslo temporary and occasional assosiates of the faculty. There is also a reading room in the library.

With its content librarys fond satisfies criteria of scientific-teaching proces of FA.


JP NIO Official paper is the publisher of the following formal paper: Oficial newspaper B&H, official mesanger B&H, official paper KS and international agrements. On these websites you can find the content of current numbers of the listed paper as also an archive from year 1994 untill today.

Bibliography managment: Zotero

Zotero tool helps you to in a faster way acumullate, organise and share your scientific sources by adding pdf and information in other forms. With a very simple navigation and key word usage your references are gatherd in one place.

Bibliography managment: SCOPUS

Multidisciplinary data base in which over 14000 magasines are indexed. Besides maazin search it is also posible to search autors articles quotes from the base, and also different posibilities of sorting the resultsand creating bibliography.

PREZI – interactive workcreation

Prezi is a softwear that creates presantations in the cloud. All presentations you make are visible online. Free acount allows you to use 100MB in the cloud. (DiRT 2014) Account can be used individualy or you can use existing accounts on Linked in or Facebook. This tool is an ideal solution for creating presentations. Best this tool can offer is tahat you have all of your presentation in one place. EBSCO DATABASE

Online sistem that allows accses to a large number of electronic bases. It is possible to searchlarge number of magasines of wwhich 10000 are in full text. Next to magasines it is posible to search a large number of different publications that offer sumerised jounralistic views and enciclopedic data.


Multidisciplinary data baseof specialy picked and evolved contet. Covers around 8500 presige scientific and profesional magasines, ability to search qoted references.

· Science Citation Index Expanded (1994 – present)

· Social Sciences Citation Index (1994 – present)

· Arts & Humanities Citation Index (1994 – present)

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