About Faculty

About the Faculty
Name: Faculty for Administration in Sarajevo associate member University of Sarajevo.
Adress: Igmanska 40 A, 71 320 Vogošća, SARAJEVO
Telephone: +387 (0) 33 553-835 i (0) 33 553-837; fax: +387 (0) 33 553-835
Web: www.fu.unsa.ba
E-mail: fakultet@fu.unsa.ba
ID number: 4201110030002
Tax number: 201110030002
Current bank Accounts:
UniCredit Bank 3389002201826581;
Raiffeisen Bank 1610000078900005;

Faculty for Administration in Sarajevo as a high education institution, of social, scientific and academic importance was founded in 2005 by Qualitasa d.o.o –Centar for education and quality and also an institution that is registred in the court of legal entities of Sarajevo Municipical Court.
Action towards public administration is founded solely on education of new highstandard frames for state services and the private sector including overall administrative and managerial business, also because of establishing functional system B&H management and contributing public service and also the private sector by EU practice pattern, and its main motive is establishing and operating Faculty for Administration.
Study Concept 4+1+3
Paths-Second ciklus Administration, Public Administration, Public procurement, EU project management.
Doctoral Studies
There are lot of dillemas about administration definition.
„Etomological Term of „administration“ is conected to the noun management (aiding, ruleing, coordinating) and the verb „manage“ (conduct, exact, handle, guide).
Main term of management comes from latin noun administration (conducting, helping, guideing),and verb administrare (decide, exact, serve).
So different meanings of the term „manage“ comes before anything from meaning of a noun management and verb manage by which in the widest is refered to the managing social bussines.
To decide the meaning of a term „manage„ most preciely it is neccesery to confirm functional and organizational meaning of that administrative.
With that as a core of the problem in defining the meaning of „administrative“ functional (material) and organizational (formal) elements show up.
From a functional aspect administrative is decided as a specific act that is as a racional activity when individual and comomn needs to be satisfied by a larger number of people. Functional point of view in defining the meaning of administrative starts from function that is content of managing activities and implies theoretical selection of basic by which administrative achives its goals and tasks.
With that in mind Public Administrative in functional meaning are made by administrative activities.
Considering a large number of administrative tasks that make up management administration, in order to define functional meaning of administrative, it is necessary to classify them by specific criteria.
On one side we cassify administrative activities by material (internal) marks, and then in that way we talk about material term of functional administrative.
On the other hand differenting administrative activities by formal (external) marks denotes as a formal sense in functional administrative.
From organisational aspect, meaning of administrative is defined by who exacts administrative acts in what way and wich form.
By this aproach administrative is a special sistem of organised groups that preform administrative activities as their own core and permenant activity.
To decide an organizational meaning of administrative, we should use the term Public Administrative.
In a broader sense Public Administrative represents a set of administrative organizations which preform public business in intrest of local, regional, or national , socialy-political community, and are as such defined by a stational, egional, nacional, socialy-political regulation, regional or local characther.
Public administrative covers all branches that are executives of administation management both within and out of the state framework.
Executives of administration managment in the states frame of organisational structer create state administrative or public administrative in narow meaning.
They are consisted of minestry and a special administrative organisation (agencies, institutions).
Public administrativeare also made by other numerous organs that are not a part of state structure administrative, but are a part of state aparatus (court administration, profesional legislative services and other executive bodies and others).
Finally public administrative also covers organs outside of states organizational structure.
They are so called institutions with public authority (public institutions, public companies, etc).
Comon to all executieves of administrative activities either that they exectue that activity in states framework or out of states organizational structure is preforming public buisiness in public interest, legal regulation of public law rules, financing from public recourses, and susceptiblity to law-political control and survilance.

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