Pursuant to Articles 79, 80 and 83 of the Law on Higher Education (Official Gazette of Sarajevo Canton No. 33/17), Articles 23-30. Study rules for the third cycle of studies at the University of Sarajevo number: 0101-38-276 / 11 from 29.12. 2010, Decisions of the Scientific Teaching Council of the Faculty on announcing the competition number: 458-5 / 19 from 12.06.2019, and the Decision of the Senate of the University of Sarajevo on giving consent to announcing the competition, number: 01-19-33 / 19 from 26.06 .2019, and the Consent of the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of Sarajevo Canton for the announcement of the Competition, the Faculty of Administration in Sarajevo announces


for enrollment of students IN THE FIRST YEAR OF THE THIRD CYCLE OF STUDIES (DOCTORAL STUDIES) OF THE STUDY PROGRAM “ADMINISTRATION” at the Faculty of Administration, an associate member of the University of Sarajevo in the academic year 2019/2020


The competition is announced for the enrollment of students in the first year of the third cycle of studies – doctoral studies organized from the home field “Administration”, called Doctoral studies of the study program “Administration”.

The study is organized for a period of three years, and upon its completion, the scientific title of Doctor of Administrative Sciences is acquired.


The following candidates have the right to enroll in doctoral studies:

– who have obtained a diploma of the second cycle of studies at the Faculty of Administration or related faculties (law, economics, faculties of political science, faculties where administration is studied through a separate department or field or other faculties of social sciences and humanities),

– who have obtained a master’s degree in the specified home or related fields according to the pre-Bologna concept of studies acquired at a higher education institution in the country and abroad,

– who hold a diploma equivalent to the academic title of master or master,

– foreign citizens, under the same conditions as BiH citizens, provided that they submit a decision on the nostrification of previously acquired titles.

Candidates for enrollment who obtained the title of Master of Science before the introduction of the Bologna system of tricyclic study in areas relevant to the field from which the third cycle study is organized are recognized 60 ECTS study points, and their status, ie rights and obligations in further studies are determined by the Faculty. act. The remaining volume of 120 ECTS study credits these students should acquire in accordance with the Rules of Study for the third cycle of studies at the University of Sarajevo.

Along with the application for the competition, candidates are required to submit:

– birth certificate and certificate of citizenship,

– diploma of completed first (bachelor) and second (master) cycle of studies, ie diploma of scientific master’s or specialist study,

– certificate of passed exams in the first (bachelor) and second (master) cycle of studies, ie certificate of passed exams in master’s or specialist studies with corresponding grades,

– biography with a description of professional and scientific activity, and a list of works,

– certificate of knowledge of English or another foreign language,

– statement on acceptance of studies in the third cycle of studies in accordance with the Rules of study in the third cycle of studies at the University of Sarajevo and the study program “Management”.


The competition is announced for the enrollment of up to thirty (30) students.

Classes at the study will be organized if at least ten (10) candidates apply for the competition.

The price of studies is 4,500.00 KM per year of study.


In case the number of registered candidates who have acquired the conditions for enrollment is higher than the determined number, the selection will be made based on the results achieved in previous studies and interviews with candidates, which will be conducted by the Student Enrollment Committee within the Doctoral Study Council.

The Faculty will publish the preliminary ranking list of accepted candidates no later than two days after the deadline for submitting applications for the competition.

Candidates have the right to object to the preliminary ranking list within three days of its publication. The final list of accepted candidates, after being adopted by the Scientific-Teaching Council of the Faculty, is published two days after the decision on the stated objections of the candidates.


The competition remains open for 15 days from the day of publication.

Applications can be submitted in person or by mail to:

Faculty of Administration in Sarajevo,

street Igmanska 40 A

71320 Vogošća

Applications with the indication Applications for enrollment in the first year of the III cycle of studies of the study program “Management” are submitted in a sealed envelope.


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