Doctoral dissertation defense – mr. Suada Kuljaninović


associate members of the UNIVERSITY OF SARAJEVO


that Suada Kuljaninović, MA of the Administration, will publicly defend her doctoral dissertation entitled:

“Corruption and its impact on the legality of the work of administrative bodies in Bosnia and Herzegovina”,

before the Commission composed of:

Phd. Edin Ramić, Associate Professor, University of Sarajevo, “State Law” scientific field – President
Phd. Zenaid Đelmo, full professor at the University of Sarajevo, subject “Administrative Law and Administrative Procedure” – mentor / member
Ass. prof. Amel Delic, assistant professor at the University of Sarajevo, “Administrative Law” scientific field – member.

The public defense of the doctoral dissertation will be held on Monday, July 29, 2019. at the Faculty of Administration in Sarajevo, 40A Igmanska Street, starting at 15:00.

The paper can be viewed at the Faculty Secretariat.


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