Next to a procedure described in detail on how to enroll to Faculty for Administration ocasionaly get unclearances and certain questions.
Because of that our editing team selected Faculty for Administration and their answers.

FA as a joined member University of Sarajevo has equal status as all other members of UNSA. Diploma issued by FA is signed by the Dean and University of Sarajevo Rector and with that is equally accepted as any other diploma issued UNSA.

QUESTION:Can baclhelore administratives apply for civil servant jobs trough public concurses by agencies for state seervice?

ANSWER: Yes. Acquired title Bachelor Administrative is recognized by enforcment regulations of core activities from jurisdiction organs that are executed by state executives, which is necessary to apply for employment into managment (in article 1) says: In the regualation on core business from jurisdiction of state service that are carried out by state executives conditions for exercising these business and achiving certain rights from working relations (Official paper Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina number. 35/04, 3/06 i 19/12) In article 27 paragraph 1 point 1 words “with acquierd diploma of higher education – administrative profesion“, is changed to“with acquierd diploma of higher education – administrative and legal profesion.

QUESTION: Does scholarship and delayed payment exist on the FA?

ANSWR: Yes. On FA there is an option of scholarship or payin in installments. Sholarship on FA can be achived trough achivments in your middleschool. Honor students are completelly liberated from paying the first year of studies. Depending on achived records during the studies you can achive complete or partial schoolarship. FA students are also offerd a posibility of paying the scholarship on more installments. Also representatives of our faculty sign a contract of business cooporation with Sberbank BH thanks to wich interest-free/lending for the purpose of paying tution fees on 1,2 (direction of public procurement, administrative and business admnistrative) and 3 ciklus studies.

QUESTION: For which jobs does a minister of public procurement is qualified?

ANSWER: Magister is a person that is qualified to work on most complex jobs in companies and establishments as in other institutions and planing tasks, starting and leading public procurement, public safety, and managing contracts in procedures of public procurements on wich individual and teamwork is requierd, making most crucial calls as in leading business.

QUESTION:Why should we enroll this faculty and who was it meant for?

ANSWER: Graduates that want to study on facultys of social studies, that have good organisation and communicational skills, are inovative and ready for teamwork FA is the right choice. Knowledge and profesional competentions acquierd by administrative bachelors allows quality and profesional involvment in work in public administrative organs, public companies and institutions that are avilable to the public disposall, as in other institutions in wich work on administrative solutions other organisations and leading business.

QUESTION: Does FA organise entrence exams?

ANWER: No. Enrolment is based on highschool preformance without conducting the entrance exam. List ranking process is based on:

  • General criteria that is related on acquierd gpa in midleschool in all four grades and achived grades on graduation exam (grades summed up);
  • Singular criteria that is referd to average grade point, mother tongue from all four grades and graduation exam achivments (grades sumed up).
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