Requirements for First Cycle

First cycle of studies on Faculty of Administration lasts 4 years that is 8 semesters. Citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina and foreign citizens who have completed four years of secondary education in B&H, as well as candidates who have completed secondary education outside BiH and for whom after the process of nostrification or equivalence, it was determined that they must complete adequate secondary education to continue their education.

Student enrolment for first cyclus study, on FA, is conducted on the basics of the conducted trials.

Trials for student enrolment for the first year of studies is posted on the web page of the faculty, daily prints, as on faculties bulleting board with previous agreement of Ministry, 2 months before the study at the least.

FA records the confirmed number according to global, and individual criteria.

Ranking of the candidates is concluded without entrance exam, based on total number of points achived by next criterias:

  • general criteria refers to achived sucses in middle school in all four grades and succses from diplomic exam (summed grades)
  • individual criteria based on grades gpa from mothertongue subject, all four grades and succses on diplomatic exam (grades summed up)

To enrol in the first cyclus of the studies with the request you will also need the following (request can be obtained on faculties page or personaly from students services):

  • Highschool diploma
  • Certificate about finished highschool grades (I, II, III, IV)
  • Birth Certificate
  • Certificate of citizenship
  • 2 pictures for Index dimensions 4×6 cm

Certificate about passed exams (for transcript from other faculties)

While enrolling in the first year of faculties studies, contract is signed between students and the faculty which regulates mutual rights and obligations.

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