III Cycle

Lasts for three academic years – 6 semesters.


For each semester, 30 ECTS all together for a three-year-long study 180 ECTS.

Reasons for starting the study

Elaborate for the third cycle study is based on requests Rules for studying the third cycle of the studies on the University of Sarajevo, AEC’s documents, and organizational experiences so far for doctor study on University of Sarajevo and others.

The study program and the structure of the third cycle are based on the scientific potential of the faculty, compensation of the employed teachers, and knowledge united in realized programs of two former study cycles and education, professional and scientific projects in which our teaching staff have enrolled, besides scientists and teachers employed on the faculty in the realization of the III cycle eminent scientists from the faculty join-member of the University of Sarajevo. In our work, farm faculty made constructive and direct relations with Economic, Political studies faculty, faculty for criminalistics and criminology, natural-mathematical faculty of Univerisity of Sarajevo. In classes and in mentor work performance with the candidate’s scientists from other faculty from the University of Sarajevo, who achieved remarkable and undeniable achievements. Besides the University of Sarajevo, FU has relations with the Legal faculty of Josip Jurja Strossmayer University in Osijek. In a signed memorandum about cooperation possibility of all paths of exchange is confirmed.

All personal capacity, Sarajevo Uni capacity, and faculty in Osijek capacity guarantee quality teaching and scientific process during the realization of the III cycle.

Doctoral study on FU aims to ensure interested candidates’ deep understanding and overall cognitive growth in administrative studies through teaching, scientific research, and scientific theoretical approach to the subject of interest, that is, public administration in its whole reality.

By realizing the III cycle, FU’s goal is to recognize personal assumptions for intensive, constant scientific-research work, creating teaching and scientific frame necessary for this work on the faculty itself, as also a structure essential for growing needs in the academic and broader social environment.

The Doctor of administrative Sciences title is gained by finishing the III cycle.

Knowledge, abilities and competencies gained by finishing the study

After finishing the study, the doctor of administrative sciences shows the highest scientific peaks in organizational science, the broadest theoretical knowledge of the scientifically researched subject, and is the highest educated specialist in the narrow scientific field. Doctor of administrative sciences has to have the ability to conduct further individual and team research and show his scientific attitudes in high professional written and explained form.

Conditions for enrollment

Enrolment for III cycle study is performed based on public competition with University of Sarajevo consent. Notification of this contest is published in at least three daily newspapers across B&H.

Competition for enrollment for the first study year is published on the University of Sarajevo/FU’s web page, also on bulleting boards two months at least before the beginning of the study year.

On this concurs candidates that acquired the diploma of second cycle study, or faculties alike, or if they pose a certificate equivalent to academic title of magister or master. The doctor study council determines the list of subject differences for candidates from similar faculties.

For students who acquired their magister title before Bologna three-cycle system and from fields relative to the cycle study, 60 ECTS points will be admitted and their status, that is, their rights and obligations in the continued research FU’s particular act. The remaining 120 ECTS points these students should acquire with the study rules on University of Sarajevo – doctoral study.

With logins for competition, candidates are obligated to deliver: Birth certificate and citizenship certificate (not older than six months)

  • Diploma of finished I and II cycle study is the diploma of scientific magister or particular study.
  • Confirm the passed tests for the I and II cycle study that passed the scientific or specialistic examination with corresponding grades.
  •  Scientific and professional biography description with the list of works.
  • Confirmation of English or other foreign language knowledge.
  • Statement of accepting the III cycle study with the terms of rules of studying the third cycle study at the University of Sarajevo and the study program “administrative. “
  • Subjects that are studied on the III cycle of the studies:
  • social study methodology
  • public administration in constitutional countries of EU and B&H
  • Administrative law and institutions of administrative rights of EU and B&H.
  • Administrative process right.
  • public administrative management (subject of choice)
  • monetarily and fixed systems of EU and B&H (subject of choice)
  •  local and regional self administrative (subject of choice)
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